6th Brazilian Workshop on Agile Methods (WBMA 2015)

Call for Papers

The Brazilian Workshop on Agile Methods (WBMA) is an academic event focused on agile software development. In this edition, we hope to repeat previous editions success, when we received several papers and had a large number of students, researchers and professionals participating. Last year, the Agile Brazil Conference (held together with WBMA) received more than 800 participants from large universities and IT companies of Brazil and abroad. This year, WBMA will be held in Porto de Galinhas on October 22th. The WBMA will be held on that will be in Summerville resort. This year,


The main topics of interest to this Workshop are:

- Adoption of Agile / Lean

- Agile / Lean in distributed environments and large teams
- Agile in Government
- Agile practices and future trends, evolution and revolution (technical or managerial)
- Agile principles, Lean Manufacturing and other disciplines
- Agile Project Management, Outsourcing and Governance in the agile context
- Agile Testing & Quality: techniques, patterns and automated support
- Conceptual Studies and theoretical foundations of Agile / Lean
- Development in distributed and global agile teams
- DevOps and Continuous Delivery
- Experimental studies with Agile / Lean
- Human and Social Aspects in Agile Methods
- Innovation and entrepreneurship Agile
- Lean Startups
- Managing Technical Debt
- Metrics, Measurements and Mining repositories in the context of agile
- Organizational transformation and cultural aspects on agile businesses
- Patterns and anti-patterns applying Agile / Lean
- Refactoring Issues
- Scaling Agile to large corporations
- Systems and Software Architecture and Development of Critical Systems
- Teaching and coaching Agile and Lean
- Tools and techniques on Agile / Lean
- User Experience (UX) environments on Agile / Lean
- User roles (co-participation)

We also welcome all kind of research papers on agile methods .


Shepherding program in WBMA’2015 is an opportunity to authors in getting advice on the structure and content of their papers. Mentors are members of the program committee (they cannot evaluate their own articles). The goal of shepherding program is to provide high-level feedback on the papers. Mentors will be anonymous unless they choose to identify themselves.

The resources of the shepherding program are limited and access to a mentor is not guaranteed. Therefore, to make the best use of the program, shepherding requisitions must meet the following requirements:

- To have a full paper ready by July, 31th 2015, a mentor should be able to assess the work (Motivation, Objectives, Methods, Contributions and Expected Results). Papers submitted to the shepherding program must be at least 5 pages for full papers and 2 pages for short papers.
- Mentors will offer suggestions on the structure and content of the work, but will not provide editorial services. Therefore, mentors can focus on revision work. Papers submitted to the orientation program must be written and checked carefully for missing words and obvious grammatical problems. Authors with limited experience in writing in English or Portuguese must first provide a review of the language before submit their papers to shepherding.
- Articles that meet the above requirements will be forwarded to one available mentor. Applications will be considered in order of arrival (FIFO), while mentors remain available.
- Attention to the deadline (July, 31th 2015) and to the number of submissions. An author (the order does not matter) that has more than one submission to the shepherding program, the following submissions after the first one, will be placed at the end of the queue to prioritize authors without help.


Shepherding requests are made by Easychair when submitting to Shepherding track.

Short Papers Submission

In short papers submissions we are expecting:

- Research in Progress;
- Experience Reports;
- Non-systematic literature Reviews
- Positional Papers.

Original papers should be sent electronically by Easychair in short paper track. The papers must follow IEEE format and presents between 3 and 4 pages including figures e bibliography. The papers should be in PDF format.


Full Papers Submission

In full papers submission we expect original papers presenting finished results. Original papers should be sent electronically by Easychair in full paper track. The papers must follow IEEE format and presents between 6 and 8 pages including figures e bibliography. The papers should be in PDF format.

Important Dates

- Shepherding Requests – June, 12th
- Submission Deadline –  August, 10th
- Acceptance notification – August, 20th 2015
- Camera-ready submission – September, 05th 2015
- WBMA Event  - October, 22th 2015

Best Papers Award

The registration on WBMA should be realized in the Agile Brazil website http://www.agilebrazil.com/2015/en/registration.html

Best Papers Award

The program committee will choose one of the full papers to receive the award for best paper.


Alfredo Goldman (USP – Brazil) 
Célio Santana (UFPE – Brazil)

Chairs of Program Committee

Maurício Aniche (Caelum – Brazil)
Tiago Silva da Silva (UNIFESP – Brazil) 

Publicity Chairs

Hilmer Neri (Unb – Brazil) 
Graziela Tonin (USP – Brazil)

Program Committee

- Ademar Aguiar (Universidade do Porto, Portugal)

- Alexandre Vasconcelos (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)

- Alfredo Goldman (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)

- Célio Santana (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)

- Cristine Gusmão (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)

- Eduardo Guerra (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronautica, Brazil)

- Fábio Kon (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)

- Fabio Levy Siqueira (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)

- Filipe Correia (Universidade do Porto, Portugal)

- Hugo Sereno Ferreira (Universidade do Porto, Portugal)

- Jutta Eckestein (IT Communications, Germany)

- Maarit Laanti (Nitor Delta, Finland)

- Maria Istela Cangin (Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil)

- Patricia Vilain (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil)

- Paulo Meireles (Universidade Federal de Brasília, Brazil)

- Rafael Prikladnicki (Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

- Rodrigo de Toledo (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

- Sabrina Marczak (Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

- Siva Dorairaj (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)

- Teresa Maciel (Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Brazil)

- Theodore Hellmann (University of Calgary, Canadá)

- Tiago Silva da Silva (Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil)

- Vinicius Garcia (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)

- Viviane Santos (Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil)

- Xiaofeng Wang (Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, Italy)
